Get Involved

Be An Artisan
Are you an artist seeking to sell your wares? Or maybe you just want to join the lively group of artisans in our market tents?
What better way to show your talent and your mad crafting skills? Join our group of eclectic creatives! The Harrison Festival Society hosts two markets each year.
The Harrison Virtual Artisan Market is a virtual market held on our website.
The Festival Artisan Market is a juried market held during the internationally acclaimed Harrison Festival of the Arts in July. The Artisan Market is back on the beach this year! Apply below!
The Harrison Country Craft Market will be changing to an event known as Winter Craft in 2025. The event will be held in November as the same opening weekend as Lights by the Lake (in November). More information will be posted soon.
Click to Expand for Artisan Info & Application
If you’d like to be an Artisan, please review the information below.
Application Process
How we’d like to include all artists and artisans in our market events! But sadly, there’s limited space. Here you’ll find important market information such as dates, locations, fees, jury process and more. Apply today! Yes, it’s paperwork. Our application collects administrative information and product information needed for jurying/selection. But feel free to fill it out as you slowly sip a glass of Merlot. And thank you for your interest in becoming one of our Artisans!
- Please ensure you read all information carefully. You can complete our online form or download the PDF version, print it, and fill it in manually.
- Please ensure that you complete all sections of the application. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
- Information regarding set up, parking, etc. will be provided upon your acceptance as an Artisan.
- In addition to completing this form, you must also submit a sufficient amount of product photographs to accurately represent your items for jurying/selection. Photos may be uploaded to the online form, or sent by email with your completed PDF form to Alternatively, you can mail hard copies with your application to the address listed below. If accepted, these photos may be used for promotional purposes.
- If your product is a food or body care item, you must also provide 4 product samples for jurying/selection. You can mail them to Harrison Festival Society, Box 399, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0. Note: Samples will not be returned to vendors.
If you still have questions, feel free to contact our office at or 604.796.3664 (open Mon to Fri 10:00am- 2:00pm). Our Festival staff are always happy to help!
Join the Market! Download our Vendor Application or complete the online form below.
How It Works
Markets At-a-Glance
Festival Artisan Market
Winter Craft
Dates & Times
July 12 & 13; 18 (optional) 19,20
12pm-7pm Friday
11am-6pm Saturdays
11am-5pm Sundays
11am- 6pm Saturday
11am-5pm Sunday
Along the waterfront of Harrison Lake
In and around Harrison Memorial Hall
Application Deadline
July 1, 2025
Oct. 15th, 2025
Booth Space
10ft x 10ft (all outdoor booths, max booth space 10ft x 20ft)
Approx 8ft x 6ft (indoor booths with limited outdoor booths)
Booth Fee
$250 per weekend no commission
$150 per weekend with no commission
Table Rental & Chairs
$10 per 8ft x 3ft table per weekend (max 2 tables per booth)
*Chairs provided at no charge
$10 per 8ft x3 ft table (max 1 table per booth)
*Chairs provided at no charge
Vendors requiring more space than a single booth must pay for two booths. Booth Space will be assigned.
Products submitted for consideration to our markets must adhere to the following guidelines:
- designed, created and produced by the applicant;
- not a kit craft, imported and/or mass produced.
Jury Process
The Festival Artisan Market uses a blind jury process, meaning jury members do not know the identification of the vendor submitting product for consideration. All products are reviewed and rated for creative craftsmanship, mastery of technique, originality/innovation, product presentation, saleability* and overall appeal.
Consideration will be given to the overall balance in each of the craft categories, as well as returning and new vendors*. In some craft categories the number of vendors is limited, in order to offer our vendors, the greatest opportunity for financial success.
The jury is made up of three experienced peer artists, crafters and/or designers of various mediums. Individual jury members change from year to year to ensure the Festival Art Market remains fresh and unique. The Festival staff are not involved in the jury process.
In order to ensure product suitability, quality and avoid excessive duplication, the Selection Committee for Winter Craft follows a similar process to that of the Festival Art Market Jury. Two weeks after the application deadline, vendors will be notified by email of the jury/selection committee’s decision.
*Note: The jury will take into account past sales of returning vendors.
We encourage vendors who are not accepted or who have missed the application deadlines to consider being placed on our waitlist. In the event that a confirmed vendor in their craft category should cancel, you will be considered as an alternative.
Waitlist applications will be re¬viewed and you will be notified by May 31st for the Festival Art Market and Oct. 15th for Winter Craft.
Before you apply to the Festival Art Market, please give careful consideration to the suitability of your product and/or display when it comes to unpredictable weather conditions.
Although the summer weather in Harrison is typically pleasant, over the years our markets have seen everything from blistering heat to torrential downpours and are more often than not at the whim of the weather gods and Harrison Lake’s notorious gusts of wind, sometimes bellowing, but always breezy. Vendors accepted into the Festival Art Market and/or Winter Craft are expected to show up for all dates they are registered for, regardless of weather conditions. Vendors that do not show up will not be invited to apply again.
Overnight Security
Overnight security is provided for the Festival Artisan Market. Vendors are permitted to leave their tent and product on-site overnight. Tents must be securely walled with no product/booth items left outside or around the tent. We recommend that product be covered or packed away inside the tent as added protection against outdoor elements. The Harrison Festival Society and/or the security company are not liable for loss or damages caused by mother nature (wind, rain, etc.)
Sales Commission
The Harrison Festival no longer collects 10% on sales and have moved to a flat fee model.
“It takes a community to raise a festival; one that believes in live performance, in the power of literacy and visual arts, and in a desire for social change and better understanding amongst all people.” – Phyllis Stenson, Founding Executive Director
Harrison Festival Society
Be A Family Member
Join our Family! It’s a crazy bunch, but we always have room for one more. Plus, we need your support! Become a 2025 Festival Family Member, and you will be assisting the Harrison Festival Society, that for 46 years, has presented live performing arts within our community. Please help us keep this tradition alive and join the Harrison Festival Family!
Click to Expand for More Membership Info
Your financial support does double duty. Not only does your contribution support the Festival, but other funding agencies are much more likely to assist when they see the level of support we receive from the community.
- Individual Member $20.00
- Seniors & youth (65+ or 12-18) $15.00
- Family Rate (2 or more) $40.00
- Businesses & Associations $40.00
Complete our online membership form below or download our Digital PDF Application.
By joining the 2025 Harrison Festival Family, you will not only gain life-long friends, but you will help continue the tradition of quality of programming that makes the Festival, and our other events, such a success. By becoming a member you will:
- Support a unique cultural organization
- Be eligible to vote at the Festival Society’s Annual General Meeting, January 2025
- Receive a Festival program booklet by mail before the Festival
- Receive January and September newsletters with updates on Festival Society activities
- Each member will receive 1 pass to the Festival Wrap BBQ + Dance
If you are able, an additional tax deductible donation would be a great help. With a $25 or more donation in addition to your Family Membership you will:
- Be acknowledged in the Festival program
- Be entered in a draw for one full 2026 Festival pass and two 36th annual Season of Performing Arts passes (draw December, 2025)
- Receive an exclusive invite to the 2025 Festival Launch in April
- Receive a tax receipt
Complete our online membership form below or download our Digital PDF Application
Want to volunteer? Great! We can always use more hands on deck. Just a few things before you do… Volunteer shifts are filled on a first come, first serve basis. So the earlier you contact us, the better chance you have of getting the shifts you request. If you’d like to be a volunteer with the Harrison Festival Society, read on to complete our application form.
Click to Expand for Volunteer Application Form
Serious about Sponsoring? We are too. Because we couldn’t do it without you! Our sponsors and donations help fuel events that bring diversity, international talent, local artists and creative enthusiasts from all over, to this one gorgeous spot in Harrison. Art unites us. Music inspires us. Imagination gives us hope. And the world could always use a little hopeful inspiration and illumination don’t you think?
So whether you have a few dollars to give, or a truck-full, we appreciate anything you can spare. Plus, there are perks to becoming a sponsor, besides our smiles. See our full sponsorship info below.
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Gold, Silver, Bronze Sponsor Packaging
At the Festival, we value all levels of sponsorship and take pride in showcasing all of our community partners and contributors. From small businesses and families to larger corporations, we are grateful for any financial help you can provide us. We also use many different ways to show our appreciation. Download our sponsorship package and see what level works best for you!
In-kind Donations and Partnerships
One of our main goals is to support and deliver culturally diverse programming to the community of Harrison Hot Springs and beyond. In doing so, we always make use of the many services and in-kind donations that we receive. If you want to donate something other than money, we are always open to suggestions. Want to partner with us on a particular project that is beneficial to you and the community? Please feel free to contact Bryan, our marketing and administrative Manager at: bryan(at)
Advertise in our programs
Each Festival and each Season of Performing Arts, we produce a program that is distributed all over the Fraser Valley. Over 8,000 copies end up in the hands of businesses, patrons, and tourists, both local and non-local. We offer many different sizes and price points for ads in our Program. If you are interested in placing an ad in one or both of our programs, please download the PDF form here. Spaces are limited and special rates apply for ads booked in both!
Calling all talent! We’re always on the lookout for great new acts. If you think you would be a good match for the Harrison Festival and would like to perform, tell us a little about yourself!
Email us at: emailing info(at) using subject line “Performer application”. You may apply for the 2025 Festival between October 1, 2024 and March 1st, 2025. More info below.
Click to Expand for Performance Application Info
How to Apply to Perform at the Harrison Festival of the Arts
Again, we’d love to include everyone, but the sad truth is, each fall, we begin with an artist list that far exceeds the number we can realistically program. We are a relatively small festival and book about 30 to 35 acts, including children’s performers. But it’s the perfect chance to show your talent! Throughout the process, many new artists are discovered through submissions and conferences.
How it works is this: We review the overall mix of the line-up as we go through the programming process. Then, we hire artists based on the strength of their performances and material, plus their fit with our event. In keeping with the Harrison Festival’s mandate, a large portion of our program is dedicated to artists from diverse cultures and /or world roots music. We usually avoid repeating artists to give others an opportunity, and to present a fresh program to our audience.
If you wish to perform at the Festival, please send a short email introducing yourself and your music. Please include links to your website or YouTube links to If we are interested in learning more, or in receiving a complete package, we will be in touch.
We regret that we do not have the resources to answer all inquiries, due to the hundreds we receive each year. Our staff may not always have the time to discuss your work or to respond to questions regarding your submission.
Booking is normally completed by mid-March. If you haven’t heard from us by then, you can assume that we weren’t able to include you in our lineup.
Some helpful tips for getting past the other applications:
- Full name of the artist and/or band;
- Experience (a list of recent gigs you’ve done);
- a detailed description of the music;
- up-to-date photos;
- Links to media coverage;
- Links to any YouTube videos. live performances and music videos are good;
- Address emails to Artistic Director Andy Hillhouse.
Work For Us
Are you enthusiastic? Love the Arts? Do you eat, sleep and dream in creative colours? Do you also have a strong appreciation for culturally diverse events and programming? You sound perfect! If you like working in a team environment, you’re ready to become an insider at the Fest!
We would love to meet you and have a chat, as we are always on the lookout for new people to come join our team and fill important roles in the organization of our yearly Festival.
Click to Expand for Performance Application Info
Please see below for a list of opportunities available to apply for:
There are no current positions available.