About Harrison Festival Society

What is the Harrison Festival Society?
The Harrison Festival Society is a strange but wondrous collection of music and art lovers, volunteers and just plain artists! I mean, you won’t find people more dedicated to the Arts than all of these folks. Not only do they produce The Annual Harrison Festival of the Arts, they also bring you their Season of Performing Arts, among other arts & culture events.
There’s more information on those events below. But first, we’d like to introduce ourselves…
Our Staff
Bookkeeper/ Admin/ Development Coordinator
Jenny Andrie
Email: jenny@harrisonfestival.com
Headshots generously provided by HASLETTPHOTO

Seasonal Staff:
Artisan Market Coordinator, Jenny Andrie
Children’s Day Coordinator, Lyndsay James
Volunteer Coordinator, Christine Zyla / Cathey Crawley
Box Office Manager, Jennifer Todd
Production Coordinator, Kara Vinchoff
Hall Manager, Jamea Lister
Head Sound Technician, Peter Lepine
Sound Technician, Mike Evans
Sound Technician, Colin Farquar
Merchandise Sales, Vicki Bolan
Button Sales, Vicky Sparks
Asst. Production Coordinator, Makailla Palliyaguru
Hospitality Coordinator, Delaney Bergstrom
Board of Directors:
Adam Balfour (President)
Lisa Kenney (Vice President)
Len Davidiuk (Sec/Treas)
Heather Robertson
Liz Webber
Stephanie Gallamore
Jasmine Laurenson
Ernie Eaves

Harrison Festival of the Arts is an internationally acclaimed event entering its 44th year!
Season of the Performing Arts
Comprised of eight to ten professional performing arts events, it’s scheduled between September and May each year. The Society has also developed many community partners and works year-round with other organizations, businesses and institutions to bring you the finest the Arts have to offer.
The Harrison Festival Society Believes:
Our Mission:
We believe that good quality live performing arts are an extremely important part of a healthy community. We also believe that within their local area, people should be able to explore the human community through the presentation of a full spectrum of artistic expression.
We recognise the importance of celebrating the cultural diversity in Canada and around the world. Part of our mission is to help others appreciate the contributions of different cultures, how they enrich all our lives, and are a great addition to our common Canadian culture. We do this by presenting audiences with the artistic expression of diverse peoples, whether it comes in the form of song, dance, art or local artisans.
The Society is thoroughly committed to its audience and we strive to bring the best that Canada, and the world has to offer, while remaining accessible and inclusive for all.
The Harrison Festival Society is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1988 under the BC Society Act. The Society is governed by a board of directors, employs a staff of three and has an office open twelve months a year in Harrison Hot Springs.
If you will like to support this unique cultural organization become a Family Member.
Culturally Diverse Arts Programs: A Guide to Planning & Presentation
The Harrison Festival Society has developed a Best Practices Guide for arts organizations working with diverse communities. The Guide is available for download.
Members: Get Your Guide!